HowTo: Install Russian spell checker dictionary for IDEA 9.0 / RubyMine / PyCharm / WebStorm / PhpStorm / etc

Recently I found a Spell Checker Russian Dictionary plugin for IntelliJ platform (IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, PyCharm, PhpStorm, MPS, etc). Unfortunately the plugin is outdated and supports only old IDEA 8.

But I have good news for you! IDEA 9.x and IntelliJ Platfrom IDEs allow users to easily attach their custom dictionaries, so you can fix it with following 7 steps:

1. Download plugin sources (see source code link in plugin description)

2. Extract sources and copy SpellChecker-Dict-Russian_XXX/src/dict/russian.0 to you favorite folder. We are not interested in other sources, you can delete them.

3. Rename “russian.0” to “russian.dic

4. Open IDEA RubyMine PyCharm WebStorm PhpStorm / etc

5. Open File | Settings | Spelling dialog, choose “Dictionaries” tab

6. Press “Add” button and specify a folder where you saved “russian.dic

7. Enjoy! (at least it works with RubyMine 2.0.2)

Shoulda support in RubyMine

Actually RubyMine provides some basic support for Shoulda framework. Take a look on following screenshot =)

Shoulda in RubyMine 1.1

RubyMine 1.1 and RubyMine 1.1.1 supports:

1. Running current Shoulda test file / folder with should test

2. Show results in nice GUI test runner.

Continue reading “Shoulda support in RubyMine”